Authors: Nakamura T., Kinoshita H., and Kosai H.
Year: 1991
Title: Astrometric observations of the outer satellites of Jupiter during 1986-1990
Journal: Astronomical Journal
Volume: 101
Pages: 290-296
Keywords: Jupiter, faint, observation, data, photographic, position
Abstract: Precise astrometric positions of the faint outer satellites of Jupiter J6-J12 have been obtained using the Kiso 105 cm Schmidt telescope. The observations cover the period from November 1986 through March 1990. The observed geocentric positions (corrected for the geocentric parallax) are compared with the French ephemerides for J6-J9 and it is suggested that there may be room for orbital improvement for J6 and J7.
%F: AC(National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Japan)
Bibliogaphic Code: 1991AJ....101..290N

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